Do you know someone who could use our help? Call our HELPLINE on 01962 658961

Raising money locally and giving it to worthy causes in Alresford and the surrounding villages.

Help support the Pigs by purchasing your high grade compost from us. We'll even deliver it for you!*

  • 40 litre bag
  • Superb quality, 100% peat-free compost as used by professionals
  • Suitable for a wide range of garden applications including potting-on, planting out and as a growing bag
  • RHS endorsed
  • Suitable for vegans
*Free delivery only within 5 miles of Alresford (including Ropley)


We have given money for:

  • Organisations such as the scouts, guides, sports & youth groups
  • Local schools for specific projects
  • School children unable to pay for school trips
  • Single families needing white goods
  • Families who need support that cannot be provided by other services
  • Mobility scooters
  • Park benches
  • Senior residents events and activities

We raise money by organising or contributing to community events such as:

  • Taking entry fees, manning the gates & acting as security support at the annual Alresford Show
  • Organising the biennial Duck Race (next one June 2025)
  • Erecting, maintaining and removing the towns spectacular Christmas trees and lights
  • Organising and performing the arrival of Father Christmas (next one in December!)

With an emphasis upon participation & fun we welcome new members – with the membership process started by recommendation from any one of our existing members.

As an example of our work, pictured below is one of our many former Chair Pigs, Robert Sanders handing over a ‘big cheque’ to the Alresford mini-rugby squad to help them purchase training balls other equipment.